Earning College Credit in High School

Bay City Public Schools offers unique opportunities for students to earn college credit while still in high school. Eligible students can simultaneously enroll in both high school and a partnering college, allowing them to take college courses in place of traditional high school classes. These courses, typically held on the college campus, enable students to earn dual credit: they start building their permanent college transcript with a college grade and GPA, and also receive the same grade, or the option to earn credit (CR), on their high school transcript. These programs provide a head start on higher education and a seamless transition into college life.

Graduation Requirements
High School Course Selection Guide

The High School Course Selection Guide is designed to assist students at Bay City Public Schools in navigating their high school academic journey. It presents a balance between required courses for graduation and a variety of electives to suit different post-high school plans, whether that's college, technical training, or other paths.

We encourage students to take an active role in their course selection, consulting with counselors, teachers, and parents to make choices that truly reflect their personal goals and aspirations.

We're here to support you, aiming for an experience that's both intellectually and personally enriching. If you find yourself needing help or if you have questions, please reach out to your school guidance counselor. They are well-equipped to assist you with any part of the planning process.

Michigan Academic Standards
Curriculum Contacts