Before you start enrollment
Prior to starting your online enrollment, you may want to have the following information ready to assist you:
Email address
Birth Certificate
Two proofs of residency
Immunization record
Emergency contact information
We are glad you are here! When ready to enroll your student, click Enroll Now! above.
Your ‘Home School’ Locator
This link gives you an opportunity to enter your address so you can view your child’s home school.
Additional Information
Student Services: 989-671-8121 | enroll@bcschools.net
Accelerated Kindergarten or Gifted and Talented: 989-671-8170
Early Childhood Programs (Preschool): 989-671-8181 - click here for online registration
Before and After school care: Webster Child Care Center: 989-686-1737
Middle School / High School Registration Information
Handy Middle School: 989-671-3803
Western Middle School: 989-662-0418
Central High School: 989-891-0614
Western High School: 989-662-0403
Optional District and School & Building of Choice Forms
If you prefer to print and fill out hard copies of our forms, select the form links under OPTIONAL DISTRICT FORMS and/or SCHOOL & BUILDING OF CHOICE FORMS
Completed forms can be emailed to enroll@bcschools.net, or you can drop them off at your ‘Home School’ or the District Administration Center: 601 Blend Street, 2nd Floor (Handy Middle School), Bay City, MI 48706
Dual Enrollment Dates
The registration process for the 2024-2025 academic year begins soon. Below are some important dates:
February 23, 2024: Application and Tuition Authorization Forms are due to ensure access to priority registration; applications and authorizations after this date may not be eligible for priority registration. Students must also have steps 1-5 completed on the Dual Enrollment Checklist.
March 7 & 8, 2024: Priority registration begins (limited seats available) for dual enrolled students.
Open Registration begins on March 15, 2024.
Please note: Students can continue to register throughout the summer months leading up to the day before the fall class starts. We highly recommend dual enrolled students finalize their college class schedules before their summer break!
Please contact your high school counselor and/or dean with any questions. They are always happy to help. You may also contact Delta’s Dual Enrollment office at dualenrollment@delta.edu or (989)686-9428 with any questions.